Wednesday, April 30, 2008

'Tis the Month of Our Mother

Tomorrow we begin the glorious month of May, the Month of Mary. Every day you will find on this blog a reflection, example, and prayer taken from Saint Alphonsus' masterpiece, The Glories of Mary.

In addition to meditating on these reflections, we ought each day to practice some special devotion in honor of our Lady in addition to our usual devotions. If the daily Rosary is not part of your regular devotions May is the perfect time to begin. Other devotions include reciting three Hail Marys each morning and evening in Mary's honor, reciting all or part of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, or saying or singing Mary's antiphon together with it's versicle and prayer. Many people set up a May Altar in their homes with a statue or picture of Mary surrounded with candles and flowers. Others visit Mary's shrines, whether they be the Lady Altar in their parish church or one of the great places of pilgrimage. Another custom is to choose one of Mary's virtues and practice it in a special way each day. There are numerous possibilities open to us to show our dear Mother how much we love her and honor her. It matters not what we choose, as long as we choose something and do it every day. Of course the greatest gift anyone could give to our Lady during her month is to go to daily Mass in her honor. And of course we will want to assist at the May Devotions in our parish churches.

Whatever we do, let us join our voices together in praise of Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, the "Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May."

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