Monday, June 16, 2008

The Sixteenth Day of June

Fifth Desire of the Heart of Jesus: the Propagation of the Devotion to His Sacred Heart.

"Our Lord," said St. Margaret Mary, "manifested to me the treasures of grace and love, which He would bestow on those who would consecrate and sacrifice themselves, in order to procure for His Sacred Heart all the love and glory which was in their power; treasures so vast that it is impossible for me to describe them. Our Savior also showed me the names of a great number of persons written in His divine Heart, on account of their zeal in causing It to be loved and honored, and that for this reason their names would never be effaced." The longing desires and magnificent promises of the Heart of Jesus, excited to the greatest degree the zeal of the saintly religious of Paray-le-Monial. It is not in our power to relate all the efforts, the holy inventions, the generous persistence of her ardor in propagating the devotion to the Sacred Heart. She even made a vow never to refuse any labor or suffering, however painful, that could spread this devotion. In writing to one of her superiors she thus expresses her self: "What joy is it to me that the Sacred Heart of my divine Master is known, loved, and glorified. I live only for this end, and there is nothing that I would not endure in order to make Jesus Christ reign in all hearts; even the pains of hell itself without the sin, of which they are the punishment, would be sweet to me. O God! it is more pleasing to me, and I would rather suffer in order to make Thee known and loved, than be one of the number of the seraphic choir!" What can equal the zeal and heroic devotedness of this holy soul!

Christians, let us also labor, as far as we are able, to extend devotion to the Heart of Jesus. There are two means of propagating it which are within the reach of all: the first is prayer; let us frequently ask of God the Father to make the Heart of His beloved Son known and honored throughout the whole world; this Heart which has procured for Him more glory than all the saints and angels together. Let us often repeat the ejaculatory prayer: "May the Sacred Heart of Jesus le everywhere loved!"

The second is to indnce those with whom we are acquainted to practise this devotion, by making known to them its objects and advantages. A word spoken with prudence and conviction, a remark uttered in and inspired by charity, will often suffice to gain hearts for the Heart of Jesus. Oh! if the fire of divine love but animated our souls, how easily should we be able to communicate to others the ardor which we ourselves experience. St. Augustine says: "If we have no zeal, the reason is that we have no love."

Yes, Lord, I will be Thy faithful apostle and I will place my glory in procuring Thine.


Providence has reserved for this century which is one of material things and earthly interests, the example of a saint whose only thought was for heaven, and who loved but the Heart of Jesus. To give an idea of the love of God with which Monsieur Vianney, the Cure of Ars, was animated, says his historian, it would be necessary to describe all the zeal, energy, gentleness, and generosity of which a human soul, aided by grace, is capable. He thought and spoke unceasingly of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and his words seemed flames of love. He continually preached on the devotion, recommended it to all those whom he directed, to the sick, to the afflicted, and to poor sinners. One day, it was the morning of the beautiful feast of the Sacred Heart, he said with tears in his eyes: "Let us all go to the Heart of Jesus, to the throne of divine goodness; there flows from It love and mercy sufficient to wash away all the sins of the world. Oh! if we knew how much this divine Heart loves us, we should die of joy. The only happiness on earth is to love It, and to know that It loves us."

After the example of this holy priest, of this indefatigable apostle, let us recommend and propagate the devotion to the Sacred Heart. "Let us diffuse in the world the sweet odor of the Heart of Jesus Christ," said the blessed Margaret Mary, "and we shall be Its joy and crown."


O Heart of Jesus! Heart infinitely amiable, and infinitely holy! to what else shall we devote our lives, if not to making Thee known? To love Thee, Lord, is not enough for us; we wish to make others love Thee. We would fain possess all hearts, so that we might place them in Thine. Give us the zeal of apostles, that proclaiming Thy mercies, we may save souls redeemed at the price of Thy blood. Amen.


Spread devotion to the Sacred Heart by sharing your devotion with others either directly in conversation or by giving someone literature to read.

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