Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Third Day of June

The Promises of the Heart of Jesus.

When our Lord manifested to St. Margaret Mary His Sacred Heart, He made numerous and most consoling promises to all those souls who should devote themselves to the worship of this adorable Heart. Let us listen to the words of her who received from Jesus Himself the glorious name of well-beloved disciple of His Heart. "Would that it were in my power to relate all that I know concerning this devotion to the Heart of Jesus, and to make known to all the world the treasures of grace which my Saviour desires to pour forth abundantly on all those who shall practice it!"

"First, the faithful shall obtain by means of this touching devotion peace in their families; the graces necessary for their state of life; consolation in all their difficulties, and the blessing of heaven on all their undertakings."

"Secondly, sinners shall find in that Sacred Heart a fountain and boundless ocean of mercy. Tepid souls shall be come fervent, and fervent souls shall rise speedily to great perfection. This devotion alone would re-establish fidelity and regularity in the most relaxed religious communities."

"Thirdly, priests who are animated with a tender love for the divine Heart of Jesus, shall have the power of softening the hardest hearts, and their labours shall be crowned with marvelous success."

"Fourthly, those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in the Heart of Jesus, and they shall never be effaced."

"Fifthly, all Christians shall find in this divine Heart, a secure refuge during life, and especially at the hour of death. Oh! how sweet will it be to die after having constantly persevered in devotion to the Heart of Him who is to be our Judge."

"Lastly, He will bless every house in which the representation of His Sacred Heart shall bo exposed and honored."

Behold, then, Christians, the promises which Jesus has made to men; a God alone could make them; a God alone can fulfil them. He promises everything: conversion for sinners, advancement in perfection for the just, power in preaching and direction of souls, fervor in communities, peace in families, blessings on temporal affairs, and especial protection at the hour of death. Shall we not be inexcusable if, through our own fault, we reap no benefit from so many and such magnificent promises? The experience of more than two hundred years has convinced us of their truth. The sick have invoked the Heart of Jesus, and they have recovered their health; sinners have cast their iniquities into that abyss of mercy, and they have obtained pardon; the sorrowful have found comfort, and wavering souls have drawn from the Sacred Heart strength and victory.

Let us, then, turn on all occasions, for everything we need to this powerful, rich, and bountiful Heart; to this Heart over flowing with mercy and love, which desires nothing so much as to accomplish Its promises.

Let us exclaim with the devout St. Bonaventure: "I will speak to the Heart of my God, and I shall obtain from It all that I can want."


A certa n man bad an only child whom he tenderly loved, and to whom he intended to bequeath a rich inheritance. In order to save his beloved son from a cruel death, the father, one day, risked his own life, was taken by his enemies, treated most inhumanly, and finally put to death. The poor orphan would not be comforted, the light of day became hateful to him, and his only wish was to die also. When anyone tried to console him, he would reply weeping: "O my father! my dear father!" At last a friend devised a plan to comfort him; he enclosed the heart of the father in a casket, and brought it to him. At the sight of this casket containing the heart of his devoted parent, who had sacrificed his life to save him, the poor orphan heaved a deep sigh, and embracing it passionately, he watered with his tears that heart which had loved him so well. From that moment he became resigned to his hard fate; the possession of his treasure gave him comfort, and till his last moment, he never ceased to preserve it with the greatest veneration and respect. Jesus, who died for us Jesus, who for us, gave Himself up to the death of the Cross, has carried His love so far as to give us also His Heart; but He gives us a living Heart, full of graces and riches, ever ready to alleviate our woes and to sympathize with our sorrows. Who, after this, could allow himself to be disheartened, to complain or yield to despair, when he remembers the promises that accompanied this divine gift?


My Saviour and Master, Jesus Christ, how shall I sufficiently thank Thee for the countless blessings, which Thou hast promised to those who honor Thy Heart; Thy loving Heart, which, is like to an overflowing fountain, the waters of which neither time nor eternity can exhaust. Teach me to love, to venerate, and imitate this bountiful and generous Heart, so that 1 may profit by Its glorious promises.


Every time you pass by an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, say the following prayer: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

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