Sunday, October 12, 2008


I apologize for the delay in posting but, with God's blessings, things should be back on track. The posts from Fr. Edouard Hugon's work, Sanctity Through the Rosary will continue throughout the month of October. In it he shows us that this simple prayer can lead us to great heights of holiness and grace if we ramain faithful to it's recitation and cooperate with the graces we receive. It isn't magic. It's hard work. But it is work that we must undertake in order save our souls, which should be our number one priority.

Today, we rarely hear about the need for saving souls, especially our own. Yet this is the reason we exist. Modern theologians and preachers use all kinds of other language and words. Ignore them. They are speaking opinion. Our Lord himself reminds us in the Gospel that there is nothing more important than saving our own soul when he says: "For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul? (Mt. 16:26); and St. Paul warns us: with fear and trembling work out your salvation (Phil. 2:12). This is divine truth. The alternative is eternal damnation.

So take up the Rosary and pray 5 decades a day. Stick with it, especially when it seems fruitless and you want to put it aside. Remember what you are working toward. Ask our Lady and the saints for help. You can pray all 5 decades at once or divide them up throughout the day. Pray them while walking or while in the car or on the subway. Pray them while waiting in line. Pray them with a cup of tea. Just take up the beads and pray them every day. It might take a while but you will notice that you are growing closer to Jesus and Mary and growing in grace and virtue. You will then be on the road of salvation.

May God bless you.

Fr. Scott, C.Ss.R.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you posting again here, Father. I am no longer blogging (keeping my head down, in case the Seminary accept me - d.v.!!!), though I am working on a little project that should be ready for Advent. Will let you know nearer the time.

    God bless,
