Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday of the Third Week in Lent

On Herod’s Contempt for Jesus, and Jesus Silence.


Herod desired to see Jesus, and Jesus would not look at him. Herod questioned Jesus, and Jesus would not answer him. Herod demanded miracles of Jesus, and Jesus would not perform them. Herod despised Jesus, and Jesus cared not for his hatred. It is thus that the wisdom of God passes for folly in the eyes of the world, and the so-called wisdom of the world is but foolishness in the eyes of God.


Jesus does not speak to the proud; he does not manifest himself to the haughty; he replies not to the adulterer; he bestows not his grace on the ungrateful. He, at last, despises those who despise him. After having often spoken, he is silent. Being often driven away, he goes and returns no more. He conceals himself after having sought in vain.

Resolution: I will never again drive Jesus away lest he does not return. As a sign of this I will add an additional penance to my practices today.

Prayer: Oh Lord, my God! thy silence is a terrible thing! It is dangerous to resist thy inspirations and despise thy word. Wilt thou be pleased to speak often to me ? How frequently have I not heard thy voice, and left undone what thou hast commanded! How often have I not, like Herod, caused the death of thy precursor, and slaughtered thy harbingers in my heart; stifled thy inspirations, rejected and despised thy graces! I hear thy word, and obey it not; I read pious and holy lessons, and do not profit by them. Alas! I have reason to fear that thou wilt withdraw thy graces from me, and speak to me no more. But never let this come to pass, for never again will I turn away from thee. I will not reject thy love and grace as I have in the past. I will seek thee, listen to thee, and obey thee. Forgive me my Jesus for having offended thee, forgive me and let me love thee and only thee. O Mary, let me live only for Jesus.

By a Member of the Society of Jesus, edited and amended by J. Scott Bailey, C.Ss.R.

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