Thursday, April 30, 2009

Meditations for May

The meditations for May, the Month of Mary, will be taken from:

Month of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament


Saint Peter Julien Eymard

Translated by a Visitandine of Baltimore, Md.

IMPRIMATUR: JOHN M. FARLEY, Archbishop of New York

Although these meditations were written by Fr. Eymard for the Priests of the Blessed Sacrament and others who regularly adore Our Lord in the Sacrament of the Altar, they will be of benefit to all Christians who seek to grow in holiness.

It is most important that we not only read and reflect on the meditations, but that we also spend time in prayer as we are moved, speaking to Jesus or Mary as to a dear friend. Acts of love and contrition from the heart are the best place to start.

If our prayer is to be of merit, we must daily make a resolution according to the needs of our soul. Fr. Eymard calls this a "sacrifice." The resolution is to be specific (I will offer alms, I will visit s0-and-so, I will focus on this virtue, etc.), it is to be something that can be accomplished (NEVER make a resolution that you cannot fulfill), it should be simple (resolutions that are complicated are rarely fulfilled), it should have a cost (move you out of comfort and complacency), and be done solely for God's glory (speak of it only with your confessor or spiritual director). Always ask for the grace to make a good resolution and keep it.

It might be helpful to keep a notebook in which you record the date; subject of the meditation; your own thoughts, feelings, movements of soul; your resolution, and how well you kept it. This way you can track your progress.

On a final note, if you feel that you need something more structured, feel free to go back in the archives to last May's meditations which can be accessed via the sidebar.

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