Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to use these Meditations

The Preparation

  1. Find a place to pray where you will not be disturbed. An ideal place is in church before the Blessed Sacrament, but any quiet place will do.
  2. Begin with the Preparation by making the following acts in these or similar words: My God, I believe that Thou art herepresent, and I love Thee with all my heart. I am sorry for all my sins because they have offended Thee, Who art all good. Have mercy on me and pardon me. Eternal Father, grant me light in this meditation that I may profit from it.
  3. Say one Hail Mary to the Immaculate Virgin and one Glory be in honor of St. Joseph, your Guardian Angel, and your Holy Patron.

The Meditation

  1. Read the Gospel for the day followed by the meditation.
  2. Stop at those passages that speak to your heart and stay with them until you no longer find nourishment.
  3. Speak to God in the depths of your heart making acts of love, contrition, humility, thanksgiving, resignation to God's will, self-offering, etc. as your soul is inspired.
  4. We should especially apply ourselves to making petitions, in asking God to grant us holy perseverance, His love, light, and strength, and the graces we need to do His will and to live as true followers of Jesus. We should never omit asking for the grace to pray.

The Conclusion

  1. Make a resolution derived from your meditation. It may be to avoid a particular sin, to perform a particular penance, to practice a particular virtue. Make it very concrete and something you can do that day. It need not be something great, for it is better to succeed at little things than to fail at great things.
  2. Very simply ask God for the grace to keep your resolution: My God, give me the grace to keep my resolution out of love for You or something similar.
  3. Say an Our Father and an Hail Mary for the souls and purgatory and all poor sinners.

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