Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Joyful Season of Lent

Each day throughout the season of Lent the Gospel from the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be posted along with a short meditation on Our Lord's Passion and a prayer. This is being done in the spirit of St. Alphonsus who tells us that it is essential that we spend time each day reflecting and praying on the mysteries of redemption. From time to time other items will be posted such as instructions, sermons, prayers, etc. They may be from the writings of St. Alphonsus or other saints, or they may be from modern writers and preachers. They are here to help you grow in holiness and to come to know Jesus Christ. Suggestions for topics are welcome and will be considered.

The series of meditations on the Lenten Gospels were written by Rev. Fr. C. J. Eisenring and translated from the German by Rev. Fr. Charles Cannon, O.S.B. They bear the imprimiturs of +Timothy Corbett, bishop of Crookston and O. J. S. Hoog, Vicar Gereral of St. Louis.

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